Friday, June 26, 2015

Teacher Rachel Two Years Later...

If the time gap between posts is any indication of how insanely full my life has been over the past two years...I guess that's the beauty of blogging. I will not be tied to a certain time constraint; I will write as experiences happen, and as I feel moved. I've missed writing for myself, and it's about time I restart!

Students begged me to take a "selfie".
I thought about this blog's title. What happens after I have my own classroom? Will I need a different blog title? I decided absolutely not. Teachers are lifelong learners, and we are always "becoming". Whether it's revamping lesson plans, attending professional development, or constantly figuring out the latest and greatest ways to reach my students, I will still be "becoming" a great teacher 25 years into my career!

A lot has happened in the last couple years. I've studied hard, changed careers from my beloved PR role at Easter Seals, volunteered in El Salvador for a 2nd time, moved from my (also beloved) Lakeview apartment to the south side, received my master's in Elementary Education, and so much more.

Map of IndiaIt was so hard to say goodbye to my middle school Creative Writing students, room 201, my 8th
grade math students who helped me more than I helped them, and the best teachers in Chicago at the charter school where I taught this year. But the anticipation is killing me, and I'm so ready to complete the last piece of my master's--my fieldwork in a 3rd grade classroom in India.

Let's see if my preconceptions about India hold true. Here's what I've researched or others have told me about India:
  • It's dirty
  • It's disorganized
  • It's crowded
  • It's smelly
  • I will definitely get very sick
  • Men don't treat women very well
  • It will be very hot with monsoons
  • I will fall in love with the culture
  • The food is delicious
  • They love cows and jewelry 
  • They are curious about Americans, especially if you have blonde hair
  • Any others I should think about?
Dirty and disorganized?! Why go there, you say? I felt compelled, and went with my gut! That's really it! We'll see how my placement choice pans out.

Peace, love and T-3 days to India! Xoxo



  1. You're a south-sider? Cool! What neighborhood?

    1. Hyde Park! Now I feel like an even better Sox fan!!

  2. I think you have now landed in your new home. Looking forward to your next update!
