Monday, August 22, 2016

Summer Lab

I meant to post earlier about my Summer Lab experience, but started traveling soon after the session was done.

I really had a blast with this group of 3rd and 4th graders. Going to work didn't feel like work. My head teacher was so knowledgeable and had been teaching this course for nearly 10 years!

Nature Detectives mostly involved kiddos showing me insects they discovered. Kidding, but really! We caught a lot of bugs to study them up close and then released them. We learned about what animals need to survive, food chains, and food webs. We explored Botany Pond on the U of C campus, learned about beehives, dissected owl pellets, glued together real vole skeletons, and went on a couple really cool field trips-a nature walk at the Little Red Schoolhouse, to a Nature Preserve in Lake Forest, and to the Field Museum.

It was exciting to see the kids so enthusiastic about science and nature. They LOVED to read, and just ate this material up. 

I often find myself to be a student of my students.They teach me so much. During Summer Lab, they reminded me to be curious, and it's OK to get nerdy excited because that means you're passionate!I find myself noticing and appreciating nature more, and saying things like, "LOOK at that fascinating spider web," and "Oh my! Those mushrooms are oddly shaped." As an adult, I am constantly learning, thinking, and growing.

I couldn't have asked for a better summer experience. These kids rock!

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