Saturday, September 12, 2015

Last post

“The world is inhabited by all kinds of people. They are isolated by land and water, religion, customs, habits. The minds and hearts of these people are much alike. Under sudden or stressed emotions, they blossom forth or explode in riots, fights, dance, song, prayer. At such times they become one mind, one heart. And the world vibrates with the intensity of their feelings, emotions, angers, laughters." M.K. Gandhi

Debunking Preconceptions
In one of my first blogs, I typed out things I had read about India or that others had told me. Let's see if they have held up:

  • It's dirtyYes, India is very dusty. There is often trash on the ground, no trash bins to collect garbage, and you cannot drink the water. However, people's homes are very clean. If they can afford it, they have maids that come wash the floors and dishes every day. 
  • It's disorganized 
    Americans perceive India as disorganized, yes. But the truth is, they have a system that works for them. It's often chaotic because no one really follows traffic rules, they don't wait in line or wait their turn. Once we went to the store to get a cell phone. The man said "Come back tomorrow." We did, and I selected the phone I wanted. He said, Ok, come back tomorrow." The next day, he said, "Ok, I'll be right back." He left on his scooter and returned with the cell phone box. To pick up milk, some shoes, and bread, you will have to go to three different stores. I can think of 297602938 ways to do these things more efficiently, but this is their process.
  • It's crowded
  • It's smelly
  • I will definitely get very sick
  • Men don't treat women very well
  • It will be very hot with monsoons
  • I will fall in love with the culture
  • The food is delicious
  • They love cows and jewelry 
  • They are curious about Americans, especially if you have blonde hair
"All religions share a common rootAll religions share a common root, which is limitless compassion.

quotes from here:

They emphasize human improvement, love, respect for others, and compassion for the suffering of others.
In so far as love is essential in every religion, we could say that love is a universal religion.
But the various techniques and methods for developing love differ widely between the traditions.
I don’t think there could ever be just one single philosophy or religion.
Since there are so many different types of people, with a range of tendencies and inclinations,
it is quite fitting that there are differences between religions.
And the fact that there are so many different descriptions of the religious path shows how rich religion is.
– H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama
They become less of a "they". Now I have friends across the world. People are just people, imperfect and in need of love and connection. We are more the same than I ever thought.

"They" have faces. "They" are real.

Not to go all "world peace" on you, or claim that my teaching experience has had some profound effect on the world, but hear this: what if we all branched out a little? Got out of our comfort zones to meet people in a different neighborhood, culture or country? We may not solve wars or bridge gaps between religious or territorial disagreements, but we can still, just maybe, be friends.

Things have come full circle. I stood in the check in line at O'Hare crying and telling myself to be brave. And here I am again, hugging my students goodbye, crying and telling myself to be strong.


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